The personality layer of the internet.

Traitify is the World's First Personality API.
Put personality data into any application.

API Use Cases



The Employment Marketplace - Traitify’s primary focus today. We use personality data in our own work tech products to help employers hire better and give candidates and employees great experiences. We quantify soft skills in the workplace. With enough data, we will build the personality genome for employment!



Career, Major, School Selection - Dozens of colleges and universities already use Traitify in their career centers to give students guidance on career paths and major selection. Imagine Traitify as a recommendation engine for young students to inform decision making along the earliest part of their career journeys.

Alumni Giving - Schools want successful alums. Communication from Alumni Development offices is often about careers. Imagine giving alumni a tool to guide their career choices but also using the personality data (transparently) to predict their propensity to donate. Efficient and targeted fundraising!



Psychographics - Knowing a customer’s personality means you can personalize communications--messaging and display--to increase engagement and drive purchasing. Imagine collaborative filtering and intelligent recommendations based on personality data ("Highly Extraverted people like you also like this product!").

Events - There’s no better ice-breaker at a conference, event or team offsite than a personality test. Engage attendees in advance or in real-time and use the results to encourage networking. Also, use personality data as a baseline for assembling teams of attendees (for workshops or projects).



Movies, Travel, Wine - Netflix gives content recommendations based on viewing behavior. Why not do the same based on your unique movie personality? Or hotel recs based on travel personality? Too many choices paralyze buyers. Imagine offering a tool for quick personality-based recommendations to incite purchasing.



Drug Adherence - Some conscientious patients take their pills every day. Some skip, get sick and cost the system money. Hospitals, insurance and pharmacies have limited budgets to remind patients. Imagine using personality data to predict who won’t stick to an Rx regimen to target adherence efforts.

Genetics - Are there correlations between different personality traits and genes? We don’t have the genetic data, but someone does!



Credit Worthiness - Many people in the world have no credit history. What if we could use personality data to solve the cold start problem, predict who is highly conscientious and more likely to sustain payments? Would lending organizations be more comfortable extending credit with this data?



Dating Matches - We use personality data to match people to specific roles and companies. Why not also match people to other people to help them filter their choices. Using personality data as an input for date matching algorithms makes perfect sense. Chemistry is important, but so is personality!

Your Ideas

Your Ideas

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Your Ideas

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Robust Developer Tools


Developer Docs

Our developer documentation is loaded with everything you need to use Traitify’s API. Start with our “Get Started” guide to see an assessment live and running, and then take it from there.

Client libraries

Client Libraries

Looking to keep your stack aligned? Want to try something new? We’ve established a wide variety of client libraries in the most popular languages to make life easier for you and your dev team.

Javascript widgets

Javascript Widgets

Integrate our personality assessments and results without having to design a thing! Use our mobile-ready widgets to get a quick idea of how our assessment, results, and other features look, and then customize as you see fit.


All-Star Support

Need some troubleshooting? Our development team is capable of assisting in nearly every coding language, and is happy to help where we can. Use the intercom chat on this page, or email us at for a quick reply!

Interested in our API?

If you'd like to learn more about Traitify’s API and assessments, please schedule a demo.